Child Sponsorship

Sponsoring a child at FHC allows you to personally connect with a child and see the impact of your support in their life. *  Your monthly gift of $35 or more will go directly to the holistic care of vulnerable and orphaned children at FHC. You’ll receive a short biography and photos of the child you’re sponsoring. Updates on the child’s development and prayer needs will be sent to you throughout the year. Experience first-hand how you’re providing physical, emotional, and spiritual care! Click on a child’s photo to become their sponsor today!

Sponsor a child

Sponsor Casa Esperanza (House of Hope)

You may also make a check donation to FHC at P.O. Box 912412, Denver, CO 80291 -2412. Please note “Child Sponsorship – Sponsored Child’s Name” in the memo section of the check and we’ll follow up with your child’s profile. If you have any questions email Nathy Velasco at

*Child’s name has been changed on our website and their eyes are covered if under 18 years of age to protect their privacy. Child Sponsorship donations ensure that every child at FHC receives specialized love and care. The funds are not used exclusively and entirely to support only the sponsored child. The average cost of caring for a child at FHC is $1,000 per month. 

Click HERE to see commonly asked questions about child sponsorship.

Tía Sponsorship

The caregivers at FHC are affectionately called “tías” which means “aunt” in Spanish. These women sacrificially love each child in their care as if they were their own. Through their consistent love and support the children at FHC experience God’s love in a tangible way. The tías ensure that each child receives the physical, emotional and spiritual care they need.

Donating to the Tía Sponsorship Program, ensures a vulnerable child will experience the healing love of a consistent caregiver. Your monthly gift of $50 or more ensures ongoing training for the tías. They will be equipped in best practices for working with children from complex and traumatic situations. Sponsors will receive news from the tías, prayer requests they may have, as well as updates on activities and events taking place at the homes in Ecuador.

You may also make a check donation to FHC at P.O. Box 912412, Denver, CO 80291 -2412. Please note “Tía Sponsorship” in the memo section of the check. If you have any questions email Nathy Velasco at